Best angel investing book: Jason Calacanis’s 288 page “Angel” in 2 Infographics


I felt like Biff from Back to the Future 2.

The Sport’s Almanac in hand, knowing exactly how to succeed. But instead of the results from sports competitions, I had 288 pages on investing in the future of startups.

Jason Calacanis is one of the best angel investors in history, having returned $100 million on $100,000 invested.

His book includes:
1. His exact strategies for investing
2. How to start as an angel investor and become an insider in Silicon Valley
3. Very entertaining back stories


I didn’t want to read the entire book every time I needed a refresher.

I just wanted all of the juicy tactical steps at my fingertips.

After reading the book 3 times, taking notes and distilling them down to the most important processes, I created these 2 infographics.

They are best used alongside his book. In order to understand some of the terms, the deeper explanations behind the steps, and the background stories that lead to his success, you need the book.

For those of you who have read it, this will be awesome. For those of you who haven’t, this will be an in-depth intro taking you through Jason’s strategy for angel investing.

“Life is random, but luck isn’t. Lucky people surround themselves with the most successful people in the world and take chances. It isn’t hard or impossible. It just takes work. Do the work. Trust me, just do the work.”
— Jason Calacanis

I hope you enjoyed this quick run down of Jason’s book. I recommend you read it in its entirety. The real nuggets of wisdom are understanding why these steps are important.

Save these infographics and use them as a refresher and as a way to stay focused as you start angel investing.

If you got some value from this post, please share it.

Then, get the book here if you haven’t already.

I am not receiving anything for posting this, just a fan trying to provide value to the investing and startup communities.

I’m planning on posting all of my original notes in detail soon. I’ll also summarize other investors’ strategies in the future. Follow me here for updates.



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