Digital Solution to Disrupt the Coupon Industry

Startups & Venture Capital
5 min readMar 28, 2017


For the average retail consumer in today’s world, having instant access to deals, customer reviews, and testimonials through their mobile device is common. It seems more than apparent that the attitudes and behaviors of consumers have shifted, leaving online retailing efforts reigning supreme as they communicate to their base through social platforms or, in other words, through more personable means.

Similarly, the multi-billion dollar coupon industry has taken note of these transitions, looking to encourage engagement through active consumers on their mobile devices.

Unfortunately, however, the results of this emerging concept aren’t exactly at their prime just yet.

Aligning the Success of Print with the Accessibility of Digital

While consumers are certainly all aboard the popular couponing bandwagon, the majority of sales and profits through coupons still remains heavily in the print medium, as various digital glitches are dampening efforts to expand technologically.

For instance, digital coupons are currently sent to consumers as simple .jpg images, easily available to be reused at any opportunity and thereby giving customers leeway for circumventing the system.

It seems more than apparent that the attitudes and behaviors of consumers have shifted, leaving online retailing efforts reigning supreme as they communicate to their base through social platforms or, in other words, through more personable means.

At this point, most retailers have no capability for verifying whether or not digital coupons have already been scanned and utilized. After all, it’s certainly not akin to the print variety, where the cashier can simply take the coupon in hand and the transaction is complete, with no room for reuse and doubling down on savings at other stores.

Printable coupons, nonetheless, are striking out of today’s digital era; so, in any case, retailers worldwide will have to adopt new methods to boom the industry. At ELEKS, we were looking for an approach that could facilitate the digitalization of retail, and we managed to develop one.

Adopting a Method for Change through a Simple, Ubiquitous Solution

The solution we found is regarding an app that can eliminate retailers’ digital woes and help inspire more omnichannel integration across the retail sector.

The concept relies on digital coupon redemption that terminates any possibility of double-usage. Using a simple barcode reader, found in any retail store worldwide, cashiers will have the ability to scan their customer’s coupons just as they would the print version.

The difference is the multi-layered approach to the digital coupon itself. The customer downloads the coupon onto their mobile device through the smartphone app, while — unbeknownst to them — a multi-layer configuration is in place, invisible at first glance.

When the cashier scans the coupon’s “visible” layer through the customer’s device, the barcode reader’s active laser will essentially cue the phone’s front camera, signaling it to uncover and read the underlying layer, completing the transaction.

Once the digital coupon has been scanned and redemption has occurred, it will automatically be deleted, in turn erasing any opportunity for the consumer to reuse it.

The smartphone’s camera detecting the active laser beam sets into motion an entirely new concept to digital readability, creating a viable avenue for the coupon industry (and retailers as a whole) to set their sights on bridging the gap between print and digital mediums.

ELEKS’ project — currently patent-pending — can legitimately drive consumer and retailer interaction into a new phase of personal engagement for a burgeoning industry that’s in dire need of technological expansion.
The best news? This new approach to coupon redemption leads to very little overhaul for the retailer, as no extra hardware or POS-integration systems are needed to embrace this concept.

Given that security and ubiquitous usage are already in place through the app, little to no further effort is required on the retailer’s part to tailor it for success and profitability.

Moving Forward into the World of Omnichannel Integration

Understanding that a new generation of consumers has emerged may have initially left retailers spinning their tops.

However, utilizing the undeniable success of a major industry — like that of the print coupon — and bringing it into the technological mainstream should be priority number one for any active brand.

Understanding that a new generation of consumers has emerged may have initially left retailers spinning their tops.

The Mobile Digital Coupon solution sheds light on the ways to attract this newfound customer base through their chosen digital preference and, at the same time, remains secure for the retail industry in preventing losses.

If retail customers are inclined to be more empowered over their purchasing endeavors, demanding control through their own means (and that of their social media connections), then retailers ought to realize the opportunity for growth in this field and seize it.

With ELEKS’ new digital coupon redemption method, consumers can find their own ways of gaining increasing access and interaction with many retailers’ products and services — an avenue that will greatly heighten both their online and offline experiences for the ultimate success of all parties involved.



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